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Mark Strangman
Pastor, Swissvale Baptist Church of Pittsburgh, PA

I grew up in a christian home in Northeastern Massachusetts.  In my first year of secular college a missionary came to our church and challenged my Sunday School class about what we were doing to serve the Lord.  Under much personal guilt I decided to become a missionary and attend a Bible college.    I attended Piedmont Baptist College and in my Sophomore year I came to the realization that I had never trusted Jesus as my personal Savior.  I surrendered to the Lord and accepted Christ.  I there met Joyce Harlos and in May of 1985 we were married.  I graduated in 1987 and went to work full time for the college while serving in my local church as music director.  Through a series of events directed by the Lord we moved to central New Jersey where I became the Assistant Pastor of Youth & Music at  Kendall Park Baptist Church serving with Dr. Dan Brown.  In October of 2005 we moved to Pittsburgh we we have served since as the Senior Pastor of Swissvale Baptist Church.   I currently have the privilege of serving as the Moderator of the IBFNA.  Joyce and I have 4 children who we are so happy to report are saved and serving in different capacities in their local church.  The Shepherd's Haven fellowship has been a precious blessing to my life for over 20 years.  

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